
总统 & 德克萨斯州阿尔文市阿尔文-曼维尔地区商会首席执行官



I lead a non-profit in my community to help small business owners get started in our community, and I advocate for large businesses to have a good working relationship with the local government. The whole is idea is based on the more economic success our local businesses have, 他们就会雇佣更多的本地人才, 我们的社会未来就会变得更加繁荣.

I have come to really enjoy helping new businesses find creative ways to get the word out about themselves. 很多企业家都有很棒的想法, 但很少考虑如何以及向谁推销. My staff and I have a lot of fun brainstorming with those owners because we get to see their passion and 兴奋 for their business.


奇怪的是, all those education classes on psychological and physical development have really help me to work with all kinds of people from different generations and backgrounds. HLGU really help me see how nature, nuture, past experiences really forms a person. 提前了解这些事情,可以帮助我更好地建立合作关系. 也, studying how a student learns by building on their previous knowledge has been a huge assist in pitching new ideas and changes to an organization that has been around for decades.


Having started and closed a business myself was a very rewarding and depressing experience. 自从我离开汉尼拔后它对我的影响最大. 值得庆幸的是, God has been able to use that experience to help 其他s in similar circumstances at my current job. Working with people who have staked their entire future on a great idea they have is very rewarding. 我看到了他们的激情, 兴奋, 当他们穿越疯狂的障碍时,恐惧在他们内心共同作用. 这对我很有启发.


HLGU really pushed me to take the lead when caring about my community and my local church. I had the fortunate opportunity to help lead one of the first mission emphasis week’s to 汉尼拔. Helping people who were not from my town see the great spiritual and physical needs in 汉尼拔 really drove to me a career in non-profit work that betters the places we have lived. HLGU对本地任务的关注确实提升了我的这种动力.

Please share a specific example from your career or life when the skills you gained at HLGU helped you most.

As you can see, I haven’t utilize my education degree to do a lot of classroom teaching anymore. 我主要在非营利组织工作. I remember when I made that transition and would be put in charge of a few organizations I had little to no experience in. I called a few professors for direction in quickly teaching myself new skills I needed quickly. I learned a lot about how my degree really taught me to be a well-rounded problem solver. 用同样的技巧和技巧通过厄斯金教练的测试 & 测量类, 如何研究和学习对我来说完全陌生的东西, 在职业生涯中仍然被需要吗. 自从HLGU, I have gotten to wear many different job titles because I had professors teach me it is okay to not know all the answers yet, 但要知道如何找到它们.


A local organization called Communities in Schools awarded me Volunteer of the Year Award in 2018 for my work in helping get students of Hurricane Harvey find much needed resources.

HLGU的教授们在你的成功中发挥了什么作用? 你和老师的关系是如何帮助你成功的?

David Erskin, Betty Rhodes, Clay Biggs, Dan Hurst, and many more were huge helps to me. I cannot thank them enough for their open-door policy to help me answer all the questions I had, 应付疯狂的日程安排, 在我们最困难的时候为我们祈祷.


如果你想成为商会的一员, 要求当地商会让你帮助计划和参加他们的社交活动. It is a great way to meet local dignitaries and business leaders and learn what works and doesn’t work in business.


我最喜欢的一些记忆实际上是我在夏季学期上的课. The smaller classes with more of the commuting classmates and the extra time with the professors were a lot of fun helpful to getting through some of my harder subjects. Those classes really had a team atmosphere of working together and pulling for each 其他.


我参加过学生会,唱诗班,学生会,学生会 是的成员, 还有几个剧本. I mostly filled my life up volunteering at Calvary Baptist Church and working at B&B剧院.


无论我住在哪里,我都把这句座右铭应用到我的生活中. 我的目标应该是通过我的精力去服务,让我的社区变得更美好. 我现在在当地的外卖中心工作, 旋转, and Community Foundation as well as my church to help make my town a better place to live.

What is one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started in the field?

失败也没关系. Failing at some of my career goals has been some of the best continuing education I have received.

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